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专辑介绍: 音速青年为法国校园悬疑电影《西蒙威尔斯的故事》创作的原声带。
电影介绍:1992年3月,1992年3月,巴黎大区的一座小城中。派对结束后,酩酊大醉的年轻人在森林里发现了一具掩埋在灌木丛中的尸体。两周前,Léon Blum中学理科高三学生Simon Werner失去联系。人们在一间教室里发现他的血迹。离家出走?绑架?自杀?谋杀?他的同学进行了各种猜测。几天后,班上的一个女生也缺席了,她的父母不知其下落。这个女孩从未惹过任何麻烦,和Simon也没有任何直接关联。次日,班上另一名学生也失踪了……
In Spring 2010 Sonic Youth gathered at their Echo Canyon West studio in Hoboken, New Jersey to watch the rushes of a new film, ‘Simon Werner a Disparu,’ by French director Fabrice Gobert. The band spent the following few weeks recording music which was then shaped to fit the various scenes of the film. For this release it was decided to do more than present the abbreviated clips of music used in the film. Instead the band went back to the original tapes and re-organized the various pieces; sometimes montaging multiple tracks together, other times extending cues into new sonic realms.
01.Thème de Jérémie
02.Alice et Simon
03.Les Anges au piano
04.Chez Yves (Alice et Clara)
05.Jean-Baptiste à la fenêtre
06.Thème de Laetitia
08.La Cabane au Zodiac
09.Dans les bois / M. Rabier
10.Jean-Baptiste et Laetitia
11.Thème de Simon
12.Au café
13.Thème d’Alice
时间:2012-05-18 16:58:26来源:{dede:field.source/} 作者: 点击:次