服务电话 4000182939
- Candomore Brand Design
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- to the plane design arts of China.
- 山东干将莫邪设计咨询有限公司
- 山东省济南市龙奥北路奥龙观邸别墅
- 垂询电话 4000182939
- 免费电话 4000182939
- 电子邮件 151712149@qq.com
行 业: 塑钢窗 塑料出口
服务项目:办公空间 网站设计
项目概况:Fenstek is an engineering firm that has been in business for over 15 years which specialized in the manufacture and supply the window fabricating machinery. Many of our employees including key engineer have been in the company in excess of 15 years. You won’t find that level of experience elsewhere. That quality of accumulated knowledge guarantees the good service and product knowledge. Our advantages include, but not limited to, machinery for PVC window and door, aluminum window and door, and insulating glass as well as curtail wall machinery.
时间:2013-11-09 12:06:13来源:{dede:field.source/} 作者: 点击:次
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